Friday, March 7, 2014

The Confessions of a Tom Boy Mama Preacher

I never wanted to HAVE TO be an advocate for women. I really didn't. I am not a big fan of women in general actually; being a huge"tom boy" all of my life. I hate pink. I don't wear much jewelry. Those who know me know my wedding ring will some days be a wooden spool or a plastic thing with a fake flower I found in my car one day. I'm weird like that. 

But today being International Woman's Day, as google is proclaiming, I do want to say, I wish I did not HAVE TO be an advocate for women, esp. women in ministry, as there are so many important things to do in this world, and to have to be a voice for this is a real bummer... you know? It really is. I wish it was a non-issue so I could go about changing the world in other areas. That would be awesome. So help me to be free of this issue by making it a non-issue so I do not have to speak up for unfair treatment of woman in ministry anymore, I would rather speak up for oppressed children in Africa or something. 

I wonder what is more of a sin, a woman preaching the bible or a person stopping her from preaching the bible? hmmmmm (Juan told me that one)

It is good to allow women to preach, hold the same titles as men, like in the bible... Priscilla and Aquila are mentioned six times in four different books of the New Testament. They are always named as a couple and never individually. Of those six references, Priscilla's name is mentioned first three times, which is conspicuously unusual for such a male-dominant society. Seems like they were equals as pastors of their church and as missionaries.

 What an interesting biblical concept  

Again, I don't like this topic. Really, it's the last thing I want to talk about. I really hope not to offend (even though my paintball pic. prob. already did that for some), I am not upset or emotional, that's not my "tomboy" style. I strategically surround myself with people who struggle with these concepts at my church and at our non-profit on purpose. They need to be around a female Reverend because much of this issue is based on non-exposure and religious traditions only. It is okay to agree to disagree, except when it comes to devaluing a human being of any race, size, status or gender. 

When that happens, something must be said. 

God can do anything with anyone at any time. That's just his style. 

It would be so cool for a blue to take this topic and run with it, I believe it would make a much stronger impact than my pink voice... sadly. 

In the bible, when the women were proclaiming to the men Jesus was raised from the dead for the first time, Luke 24:11 says, "But these words appeared to them as nonsense, and they would not believe them." I hope the disciples learned after that day, that women proclaiming truth to men, 

was not nonsense, after all...

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