Monday, September 5, 2011

My Observation about how People are Repulsed by the Opposite of What they are Sold Out About

Yesterday's Revelation

When you are 100% sold out to something - you are repulsed by the opposite. 

A Few Examples:

Purity IS REPULSED by Infidelity 
Worldliness IS REPULSED by Spirituality
Exercise Junkies ARE REPULSED by a Sedate Lifestyle
Junk Food Consumers ARE REPULSED by Nutrition Consumers 
Pretty and Thin IS REPULSED by Ugly and Fat
Gentle and Humble IS REPULSED by Rough and Prideful 

and vice versa

Interesting how one despises or is repulsed by the other when they are 100% committed to the opposite behavior. Again, I think this theory only applies when you have someone 100% committed to the opposite behavior. 

Human behavior is interesting. 

Christ's leading is to LOVE the opposite. You don't have to approve of someone's behavior to love them.

So all you worldly people out there stop being so ticked off at us Christians and all of you junk food eaters stop complaining about health nuts and all you pure people out there stop sticking your noses up at the sexual sinners that Jesus talked with and so on and so forth with the added vice versa. 

Hate just leads to ugly seeping out of our mouths. 

Love leads to healing, restoration and life.

Feel free to add any comments you may have thought of for more opposites that are repulsed by the other. 

Hopefully the more like Christ we are, the less this will be visible in our own lives. 

1 comment:

  1. Thought of some more:
    Polite people are repulsed by Rude people
    Clean people are repulsed by Messy people
    Smart people are repulsed by Stupid people
    and vise versa hmmmmm I may be a stupid one with the versa not being spelled correctly in spell check ;)
